Thursday, August 10, 2006

I don't understand some things in life. Hence I stay up a little bit too late. Last night however, I went to bed a little early. Well earlier then usual. And yes I did sleep alone and yes I was a little lonely. But I'm coming to realize that sometimes, that's just life. It's hard to put a finger on just how you feel about me. Sometimes I wonder, will you ever feel the same? Or do you feel the most you can feel? But in the long run, I think who cares? Life is what you make it to be. And I'm sure there is somebody out there for me. But until then, I'm just chilling...Maybe I'm not a priority to you because you know I'm not going anywhere... And most people think that way. Most people take advantage of the folks that love them, cause they figure they're not going anywhere. It's an unfortunate drawback of lovers, family and friends. When somebody becomes a constant in your life, they become overlooked. That's why relationships are hard work. You gotta work to keep them exciting and new. But to all those that read this blogger and think that my "relationship" is stagnet, it really isn't. Everyday, we grow closer and everyday we share more about each other. And I find myself telling you things that I've never told anyone. You never judge me... Well at least I don't think you do...And no matter what, I know some things you will never tell...It's hard to find a friend like that...Male or female. And I'm not letting this one go...


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