Tuesday, October 15, 2002

This morning, I had yogurt. (okay nutrition lovers, applause please) I'll be honest, I haven't contemplated anything as of yet. Just how the whole DC area is becoming one man's personal shooting ground. It's enough to scare the daylights out of you. However, this is the one time when living in the "hood" has made me feel that much safer. Then again, there are quiet areas in the city, even in the hood. Who's to say, that he won't catch a junkie noddin, or a homeless person sleeping. Which makes me starting thinking about life lately and my role in it. Life is way toooooo short to be unhappy and to hold your tongue. So therefore, if you have something to say, then say it. If you feel a certain way about somebody tell them. If you feel like doing nothing all day, then do nothing all day. Just take care of your own. Have a good one people.
I'm out.

Monday, October 14, 2002

I'm contemplating life over a BLT (um all the pork haters, get over it) and a Vanilla Frappuccino. Coming to some realizations about relationships and men. Some things in life, you just can't do. Like running a red light on Edmondson Ave. Yeah, you can run them, but eventually, that camera is going to catch you. Then you gotta pay that hefty ass ticket. I've found that when it comes to men, you can't speed. Eventually the red light camera of love is gonna catch you, and you have to pay the piper. While I may not be a red light runner, I can be a speeder. I'm impatient. Yes, I'm impatient when it comes to certain things. Especially people. I have patience in other arenas. I'm a patient driver, a patient mother, a patient seamstress, just not a patient lover. I want the here and now this very second. I don't feel like playing the "waiting" game. I guess that's one of my faults.
I do a lot of thinking at work. I guess I get distracted easily. Maybe because my mind is being pulled into 15 different directions. To say I "love" my job would be a lie, but I'm here. So add two and two together.

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Yeah I'm at work. I have no life. You guessed it. I gave up on having a "life" a long time ago. I guess because I've done the party thang, the hang out all night thang, the no sleeping for a week thang. After while you get tired of all the drinking and smoking. I'm convinced that my body is not built for "partying" anymore. Oh well!! What are you going to do. I just hope that my body doesn't give up yet. There are some things I still need to do. You know you're old when you need coffee to wake up and a drink to go to sleep.
