Friday, November 08, 2002


A friend of mine told me I flip-flop. Meaning, I never stay too focused on one person for too long. Hmmm? I can see that being true. I often want everything here and now. I've never been one to ease into anything. Which brings me to my thought. I really don't know how to proceed. I know what's in my heart and what I feel, but how can I make someone understand that? How can I let someone know that they stir my soul and release my inner most passions? Sometimes it seems like I'm fighting an uphill battle. Am I giving up too easy? Am I giving "us" a chance? Am I wanting something I can't have? Am I pondering too much? I'm always in thought. But this time the answer is not necessarily what I'm looking for.

Monday, November 04, 2002

Today I'm shouting out all the DJ's in my life. And I know a lot of them.

DJ Diamond K
DJ QuickSilva
DJ Shawn Caesar (for all the old school heads)
DJ Marc Henry
DJ Scottie B
DJ TyFlex
DJ Mike Crosby
DJ Reggie Reg

Keep keeping the party amped. And the next time you DJ, give a moment of silence and toss those lighters up for one of the lost soldiers. Jam Master Jay